McNamara Design

Misprints and Masterpieces
Misprings and Masterpieces is a curated collection of high-quality art prints (& more) – by professional female artists from Kensington and around the globe.
Kensington artists include Jennifer Beaudet, Angie Meche Kilcullen, Sarah Renzi Sanders, and Martina Sestakova.
MissPrints & MasterPieces was created to support female artists by providing a place to showcase & sell our work, with the majority of our profits going right back into the hands of our talented & hard-working artists!
MissPrints & MasterPieces is here to provide a one-stop shopping experience featuring beautiful, unique & affordable art for your home, office and gifting pleasure. They hope that you find this modern, colorful collection as interesting & amazing as I do!